Join us for transformative and impactful therapeutic experiences!

Living Well Intentionally


 A new year is here—a fresh start to reset and embrace new possibilities. It’s like a blank page, waiting for the story we’ll write. It’s also a chance to

Life Coaching VS Counseling


To live balanced lives, investing in relationships that enhance and enrich our experiences is essential. Both life coaches and counselors can provide a safe space for us to discuss

The Well-Balanced Parent


Are your daily parenting demands causing you stress? Constantly completing household tasks, managing emotions, and regulating behaviors isn’t easy. In fact, being a parent is an inherent sacrifice of

Parenting Essentials: Decoding Discipline

When you think about disciplining your kids, what words come to mind? Perhaps “consequence”? “frustration”? “challenge”? The good news is, when it comes to decoding discipline, creating a plan is

Love is a choice.

God is Love… We have all heard this statement before and may feel ambivalent to its meaning. However, when we dive into the height and length of God’s love, it

Healthy Eating Habits

When you think about disciplining your kids, what words come to mind? Perhaps “consequence”? “frustration”? “challenge”? The good news is, when it comes to decoding discipline, creating a plan is

Healthy Habits and the Brain

When you think about disciplining your kids, what words come to mind? Perhaps “consequence”? “frustration”? “challenge”? The good news is, when it comes to decoding discipline, creating a plan is

Why treat trauma early?


It is a heartbreaking fact that by the age of sixteen, more than two-thirds of children have experienced at least one trauma, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental

Creating Powerful Moments this Christmas


If our lives are a collection of moments, our memories are a reel of the most significant ones.

Handling Unhappy Holidays


Each year, the holiday season brings out a wide range of emotions, and often these emotions vary from person to person.

Gratitude: A Key to Wellness


Expressing gratitude may come easy on Thanksgiving, but practicing gratitude in your day-to-day life also has several mental health benefits!

The Ministry of Mental Health


At Wellspring, we are working to make mental health care affordable, accessible, and attainable in our community. 

Parenting in a Tech-Filled World


The Smartphone is an extremely useful piece of technology; it helps us find our way around, read about things we find interesting, talk to our friends,

Counseling & Creative Arts for Trauma Resolution


When our brains experience trauma, they can get stuck in negative thinking patterns. When we use our creativity, a hopeful newness can spark connection amidst mental

Healthy Boundaries


Sometimes a lack of healthy boundaries can feel like empathy, but in reality, true empathy can only exist when some limits are put in place.  

Suicide Prevention Awareness


Suicide can be an extremely difficult topic to discuss given that many of us have lost or know someone else who has lost a loved one to suicide.

Beneath the Smile: The Cost of People-Pleasing


Saying “no” and taking accountability for how you feel isn’t easy... and it’s even harder when you struggle with people-pleasing.

End-of-Life Care


When a loved one reaches the end of their life, it can be difficult to talk or think about a plan for them. However, a plan is essential not

Hidden Wounds: Youth and Second-Hand Trauma


We can often overlook second-hand trauma in our youth because “it didn’t happen to them”. However, the effects of second-hand trauma can persist for months or years if left

Mental Health and Physical Activity


Mental illness symptoms aren’t always easy to resolve, but relief may be easier than you think... One way to immediately relieve symptoms of mental illness is by exercising.

Wellspring on International Missions


Over the years, Wellspring has brought mental health counseling and training to places such as Haiti, Rwanda, and other places in South America; it is our mission to share

What is OCD?


“Sorry, I’m just OCD,” is probably a phrase many of us have heard. While OCD is usually not taken seriously when mentioned in passing conversation, is it just about

Social Anxiety


Health care providers recognize Social Anxiety as a mental health disorder that affects approximately 7.1% of U.S. adults (National Institute of Mental Health [NIHM], n.d.). Researchers have found that

What is DBT?


It is important to realize that therapy is not a one-size-fits-all. Because we are all individuals with a different set of individual needs, there are many different approaches we

Mental Health Awareness & Assessments


Many people don’t realize they have a mental illness. Despite the estimate by the National Alliance on Mental Illness that one in five U.S. adults experience one or more

Trauma & PTSD


After a traumatic event, it is natural to feel frightened. Fear is a tool the body uses to protect itself in dangerous situations.Nearly everyone will experience a range of

Christians, Mental Health, and Medications


Before the pandemic, 1 in 5 adults in the United States struggled with a mental illness. Of those facing a mental illness, half will not receive treatment. Considering this statistic

I’m a Christian, do I need counseling?


For a long time there has been a struggle among Christians about the need for therapy. Some Christians believe God should be able to heal our mental health issues

Restoring Hearts and Minds


Restoring hearts and minds is at the core of everything Wellspring does - but what does that mean?  

Restoration implies a change from an altered or

What’s your love language?


With Valentine's Day in the rear view, it can be a wonderful opportunity to evaluate how you show your love to the people closest to you.

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Our trainings cover topics across the mental health spectrum. 

Wellspring offers comprehensive online and in-person training sessions and workshops. Covering various mental health aspects from general topics to parenting, trauma, and life skills, these sessions equip individuals and organizations with tools for integrating healthier practices into their daily routines.

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