Spiritual Habits Enhance Our Mental Health

Why should we consider practicing spiritual habits like Bible reading, prayer, and attending church? Because what we do regularly to connect with God can be a healthy habit that enhances our mental health.

If you are a Christian, your spiritual habits become the guiding force that ensures peace (Philippians 4:6-7), joy (John 15:10-12), and wisdom (James 1:5) which definitely improve mental health. Spiritual practices have shown to improve mental health (Greenstein, 2016) and to calm an anxious mind (Mayo Clinic, 2020).

Here are key spiritual habits and why they matter:

Read the Bible

We speak to God through prayer, but God speaks to us primarily through His Word. When we read, study, and meditate on God’s Word it comes into our minds and speaks to us personally. Here are some thoughts to consider:

  1. Read the Bible through over a set time period, cover to cover.

  2. Study a particular book or theme with the aid of a Bible study curriculum, commentary or study notes.

  3. Listen to the Bible by downloading an audio Bible App.

  4. Make a plan that includes time, place, and format – and get started.

  5. If this is new to you, start small, developing the habit first, then increasing the length of time or depth of study as you practice.

Attend church

The Body of Christ can be a safety measure for ensuring that we are on track spiritually, and not deceived or misled. The Bible tells us that gathering with other believers is an essential part of the Christian life (Hebrews 10:24-25). We are designed for fellowship, corporate worship and corporate Bible teaching (Acts 2:42). God is present in a unique way when Christians gather together (Matthew 18:20). The advantage to making church attendance a habit is that you prioritize decision-making on Sundays when competing opportunities for activities come up.

Focused, quiet time with God

The Bible tells us to, “Be still, and know that [He] is God.” (Psalm 46:10). Jesus said that, “true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24). Learning how to quiet yourself and be present with God may be easy for some, but most of us find it difficult.

This week’s podcast:

Listen as Tova Kreps, LCSW, shares how habits can effect the heart and mind.


Alicia Foss

Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor


  • Some facts / interests, etc.:
    • Alicia has been married since 2001 with 3 boys. Her husband is a pastor and they have been involved in ministry since 2001. Alicia loves running and all New England sports!
  • Languages Spoken: English

Carmine Vidaña

Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor


  • Some facts / interests, etc.: 
    • Carmine has been married since 1992 with one grown daughter and two delightful grandchildren. Carmine has offered premarital counseling at her local church for over 25 years.
  • Languages Spoken: English/Spanish


Insightful Conversations with Mental Health Experts

Tune in to our podcasts and listen to candid mental health conversations between our Wellspring therapists and diverse community guests. Wellspring’s podcasts offer a blend of Biblical wisdom, practical advice, and scientific insights, tailored to support everyone navigating the spectrum of mental health.

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Learn to live intentionally by taking charge of your life instead of letting circumstances dictate it.

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To live balanced lives, investing in relationships that enhance and enrich our experiences is essential.

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Constantly completing household tasks, managing emotions, and regulating behaviors isn’t easy. In fact, being a parent is an inherent sacrifice of self.


Mindful Reads for Daily Living

  Contrary to our instincts, admitting we are wrong makes us more respected by others, rather than less. It is inevitable for us to sin or make mistakes, so it is essential that we learn..

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” is not true for many who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Idealized pictures of loved ones gathered and idyllic moments can serve as painful reminders..


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.