Wellspring therapists have conducted telehealth sessions for a long time, but they were often reserved for the occasional visit a client could not attend in person. When the pandemic started however, that began to change. Many people feel skeptical and uncomfortable with the idea of having therapy sessions through Zoom or over the phone, with many not knowing what to expect. We here at Wellspring want to provide you with some of the feedback we have received from clients about their telehealth experiences to better help you know what you can expect from telehealth services here at Wellspring.
Expect to Maintain Progress in Therapy – According to our surveys, 64% of clients felt their therapy was progressing at the same rate, and many clients felt that their telehealth sessions were still able to provide a safe and intimate space for them to express themselves despite being through Zoom.
Expect EMDR Therapy to Be Possible – One survey participant spoke about how despite preferring to use headphones when doing EMDR therapy, they were still able to use hand gestures to create bilateral stimulation and continue to progress in their therapy.
Expect Professionalism – 100% of our clients felt that their telehealth experience was still professional despite being through Zoom.
While many clients at Wellspring have spoken up about their successes with telehealth, we also want you to know that approximately 64% of clients surveyed said they would not prefer to continue telehealth after the crisis. Some reasons range from interruptions by kids, fear of being overheard, and technical issues, and that’s okay. For many, in-person therapy will always be preferred, but in a time where many of us need therapy more than ever, telehealth can become a powerful tool in taking care of your mental health.