Falone’s Story

Last summer, Falone came into our BOUNCE!Youth Trauma Resolution Program angry and hurting. Months before, she had witnessed the tragic death of a close family member due to gun violence. Her home no longer felt safe. The flashbacks of that day haunted her, the hope of feeling better seemed impossible. Falone pushed through and attended a week at BOUNCE!.  She then went on to receive follow up therapy services made possible by a community grant, the first in her family to ever receive counseling.

Over time, the fearful nightmares turned into new dreams. The memories of not being safe turned into new thoughts—her hopelessness turned into hope. Falone’s life had been hijacked by PTSD and through follow up therapy sessions at Wellspring she gained resilience and confidence to move forward.

Today, Falone is thriving and preparing to enter a top Florida University. She plans to become a community advocate to help others who have been hurt by community violence. “I’m no longer a victim, I’m a survivor… and I want other people to know they can heal too.”

(Click below to hear Falone’s story on Wellspring on the Air’s podcast)

Tova and Lindsey speak to a student from Bounce. Bounce is Wellsprings trauma resolution program that is centered on helping youth through tough situations in their life, in a weeks worth of therapy.


Mindful Reads for Daily Living

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” is not true for many who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Idealized pictures of loved ones gathered and idyllic moments can serve as painful reminders..

We would like to inform you that our therapy office at Wayside Baptist Church will now be moved to the Sanctuary House, located on the campus of Kendall United Methodist Church.



If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.