Anxiety Attack: Dear Someone Episode 7

Anxiety attacks are no fun! Sadly, anxiety attacks are common, and in society, there is a disbelief and an expectation that you should be able to control your thoughts and your emotions. Therefore, if you experience an anxiety attack, and you can’t stop worrying… it’s YOUR fault. You must be doing something wrong if you can’t just stop thinking about it. Well, this is flat-out wrong. This letter will help us dive into the perspective of the writer, and be more understanding of people dealing with anxiety.

Season 2: Episode 7 – Therapist’s Reaction

View all Dear Someone Episodes


Mindful Reads for Daily Living

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” is not true for many who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Idealized pictures of loved ones gathered and idyllic moments can serve as painful reminders..

We would like to inform you that our therapy office at Wayside Baptist Church will now be moved to the Sanctuary House, located on the campus of Kendall United Methodist Church.



If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.