Join us for transformative and impactful therapeutic experiences!

Parenting Essentials: Decoding Discipline

When you think about disciplining your kids, what words come to mind? Perhaps “consequence”? “frustration”? “challenge”? The good news is, when it comes to decoding discipline, creating a plan is

Love is a choice.

God is Love… We have all heard this statement before and may feel ambivalent to its meaning. However, when we dive into the height and length of God’s love, it

Healthy Eating Habits

When you think about disciplining your kids, what words come to mind? Perhaps “consequence”? “frustration”? “challenge”? The good news is, when it comes to decoding discipline, creating a plan is

Healthy Habits and the Brain

When you think about disciplining your kids, what words come to mind? Perhaps “consequence”? “frustration”? “challenge”? The good news is, when it comes to decoding discipline, creating a plan is

How Equine Therapy Is Used To Improve Mental Health


<iframe src="https://anchor.fm/wellspring-on-the-air/embed/episodes/How-Equine-Therapy-is-used-in-Mental-Health-e1ku4op" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Social Media and Your Mental Health


Social Media allows us to connect with friends and loved ones near and far. It has become a common way to communicate, make purchases, get information on businesses in

Stigmas of Mental Illness in the Church


With the rate of mental illness in the United States at an all-time high (20% in U.S. adults) according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (Mental Health by

Preparing for 2021 and Handling Unhappy Holidays!


Cue the band and get the fireworks ready, because you’ve finally made it to the end of 2020! Congratulations! A lot has happened this year, and many of us

Let’s end 2020 on a high note!


Happy End of 2020! Humanity is still traveling a path through a COVID-19 pandemic. Wellspring is now a “first responder” on a new wave of a mental health pandemic

Madeleine’s Journey


He was loved and successful, her husband of 43 years. Eddie was struggling with depression, and Madeleine had encouraged him to take a ride to visit his parents that

The Value of Wellspring’s Mission and Nonprofit Financial Considerations


Wellspring Counseling’s mission as a non-profit counseling center and outreach ministry is to provide mental health services and education in a professional, Christian and holistic way in order to

Practicing Gratitude for Your Mental Health


While gratitude may seem like something only reserved for Thanksgiving, practicing gratitude in your daily life has several mental health benefits. In fact, gratitude has been shown to reduce

Can Generosity Be Good for Your Soul?


As we wait in anticipation for Thanksgiving and the inevitable food coma that follows, we thought it would be the perfect time to discuss the benefits that generosity can

A Life Long Dream Come True


Sometimes, as we reflect back on our lives, we begin to see how God has sovereignly orchestrated circumstances, how He has guided us towards fulfilling His purposes and arranged

Why I Believe In Christian Counseling


There are many areas of growth that can happen in the process of therapy. For me, it was in understanding and caring for myself.

I grew up in a

How are your Church Leaders doing?


To celebrate Pastoral Care Week, we want to honor and acknowledge the pastors in our community who have helped us through the pandemic and all the

What does mental illness look like?


Diagnosing mental illness is not as definitive as identifying a cancerous tumor. It is more like diagnosing diabetes - a matter of severity.

Meet Citlali – The Power of Teamwork in Our Community


I hope you will take the time to hear her full story in her own words and marvel at this remarkably strong young woman and at how God works

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month


In a recent study conducted in June by the CDC, 11 percent of respondents reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey, with minorities,

Writing Your COVID Story


How are you adjusting to the many changes of Covid, especially with school starting up again? Does it feel like your Covid story is almost over, still in the

Accepting and Adjusting During Quarantine


COVID-19 has pushed us into uncomfortable and unfamiliar territory. Work, school, and our personal interactions have all been impacted by the virus. In this article, we want to give

Extending Grace in Difficult Times


Recently, in a neighborhood posting site to which I subscribe, a neighbor used the site to “tell all” about a negative encounter he had at a local business.

Grief & Loss During COVID-19


Have you been feeling sad lately? If so, you may be grieving loss and not even realize it. Grief refers to the personal physical, social and psychological experiences of

Is COVID Affecting your Mental Health?


These are troubling times. Fear and worry are normal responses to the many unknowns and perceived threats that we are all experiencing. Discouragement and sadness are also normal responses

Mental Health and Minorities


All racial, ethnic and family cultures have positive and/or negative attitudes about receiving mental health services.

Stories We Tell Ourselves


It’s not easy to believe in yourself. There are so many self-limiting phrases we feed ourselves, and these beliefs can end up becoming shackles that prevent us from achieving

Coping with Cabin Fever and Isolation


Going into May, I think most of us have already started to feel cabin fever. It isn’t just the restlessness that comes with being cooped up inside that’s bothering

Shattering the Stigma: Mental Illness in Families


“I was always trying to explain away their father’s irrational behavior. I thought I was protecting them, but it didn’t make sense, and eventually I learned that facing the

Podcast: Who’s to Blame for Mental Illness?


Listen as Tova and Wellspring therapist, Lindsey discuss the stigmas of mental health. 

Shattering the Stigma: Who’s to Blame for Mental Illness?


Unlike physical illnesses, there is a great deal of shame associated with having a mental illness. The basis of that shame is that somehow the person who has the illness

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Our trainings cover topics across the mental health spectrum. 

Wellspring offers comprehensive online and in-person training sessions and workshops. Covering various mental health aspects from general topics to parenting, trauma, and life skills, these sessions equip individuals and organizations with tools for integrating healthier practices into their daily routines.

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